Sleeping bags and quilts provide you with warmth while sleeping. They both can serve the same purpose, but they are not the same thing.

Over the years, quilts have become more popular and recognized. This is because they are cheaper, simple to use, and an ultralight alternative to sleeping bags.

However, you do not need to buy a quilt if you already have a sleeping bag. Why? How?

Calm your nerves. You’ll get to know as you read further.

Can sleeping bags be used as a quilt?

Yes, sleeping bags can be used as a quilt. A Sleeping bag can serve as an alternative to a quilt. But before we discuss how to use a sleeping bag as a quilt, let’s take a brief look at the differences between sleeping bags and quilts. 

Sleeping bags vs. quilts

● Sleeping bags are heavier than quilts. This is because quilts are made of fewer materials. 

● Quilts are costlier than sleeping bags.

● Sleeping bags are easier to find in stores than quilts.

● A quilt does not have a zipper and doesn’t enclose like a sleeping bag.

● Sleeping bags do not have a mat attachment system.

Using sleeping bags as a quilt

Sleeping bags come in varieties. They may come as zipped or unzipped. Because they can be opened up like a blanket, you can use them as a quilt. To open up, unzip the side completely and spread them out.

Types of sleeping bags

Featherweight sleeping bags

These sleeping bags are ultralight and are designed for comfort and compressibility. They are often used for camping in warm weather climates. 

Mummy sleeping bags

These are sleeping bags designed for use in cold weather. They are widely known for providing warmth. 

These bags enclose the body completely, providing the needed warmth. 

Rectangular sleeping bags

They are bags made for warm-weather camping. They are traditional bags that come in two different sizes, single and double. 

A single rectangular sleeping bag is ideal for a single person. A double sleeping bag is used by two people. 

Some double sleeping bags can be unzipped completely to produce two single sleeping bags. 

Wearable sleeping bags

These serve as sleeping bags for camping and also insulated clothing in camp. 

Three-season sleeping bags

These are sleeping bags that are widely known for their multiple functions. They are manufactured to be used in fall, summer, and winter. 

sleeping bag

Elephant foot’s sleeping bags.

These sleeping bags look like mummy sleeping bags but are designed to accommodate a small weight. They are shorter in length than other types of sleeping bags. They come in zipped and unzipped bags. 


Technically, quilts are sleeping bags that open like a blanket. They are known for providing comfort and warmth. 

If any of the full sleeping bags are heavy for you to carry, you can opt for these open sleeping bags instead. 

Sleeping bags are multifunctional bags that come in different sizes and shapes. Either the ones that come as a quilt or as full bags, the choice is yours to make. 

Sleeping bag

How often should these sleeping bags be washed?

It may be difficult to state exactly how often to wash these sleeping bags (used as quilts). However, take note of the following:

● If it emits an unpleasant odor, wash it. Even if you’ve not used it for a long time, once you perceive a bizarre smell, wash it. 

● After every camping trip, wash it, dry it completely, and put it away for storage.

● If you use your sleeping bag a lot for camping, you can decide to wash it every 20 to 25 days. 

Note: If you use your sleeping bag frequently, after every eight to ten nights, turn it inside out and shake it very well to get rid of any loose dirt in the bag. Also, use a wet rag to wipe dirt off the bag (in and out), and dry it in a cool place for a few hours. This helps to prevent the accumulation of dirt on and in the bag. 

How to wash these sleeping bags?

● Choose a mild detergent, depending on the type of material the sleeping bag.

● Wash ALONE in a machine with a low spin cycle. 

Note: Ensure that you wash with warm water.

● After washing, dry in a cool place.

Safety tips: Do not expose your sleeping bag to direct sunlight, and ensure that it is completely to be dry before you put it in storage. If it’s not properly dried, mildew may start to build up. 

Also, it is safer to dry your sleeping bag in a dryer than to sundry. However, to prevent wear and tear, dry at a very low temperature. Also, ensure that only the sleeping bag is in the dryer. If you dry with any other thing, the sleeping bag may not dry completely. 


Sleeping bags and quilts help to stay warm while camping. Quilts are recently becoming a trend in the camping world. However, if you already have a sleeping bag, you don’t have to get a quilt to join the trend. With just a few tweaking, a sleeping bag will serve the purpose of a quilt.

When using a sleeping bag as a quilt (conversion), the weight of the sleeping bag reduces, making it look exactly like a quilt. 

Also, wash your sleeping bag at the appropriate time. Please do not wait for molds and mildews to accumulate before you wash them. 

When washing a sleeping bag, ensure you wash it carefully to prevent it from wearing out on time. If properly maintained, your sleeping bag should last for no less than five years.

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